Refrigerator Servicing Pro Documentation

Creating Our Testimonial Section

Starting with the Case Studies Section,

You must first install So activate itPlumbing Posttype .Afterwardswards you enable the plugin, a Testimonial section It will occur on your dashboard.

Click Dashboard --->Testimonial --->Add New Posts.

Get started by going to Appearance an click on --->Customize --->Select Theme Settings--->Our Testimonial

On the forefront, it will appear as shown.

Creating Expert Technician Section

Starting with the Team Section

You must first install So activate it Plumbing Posttype .Afterwards you enable the plugin, a Team section It will occur on your dashboard.

Access the following menus: Dashboard--->Team---> Add New Posts.

Get started by going to Appearance an click on--->Customize --->Select Theme Settings--->Expert Technician

Front-end visuals will resemble this.

Creating Why Choose Us.

Starting with the Why Choose Us Section

Get started by going to Appearance an click on--->Customize --->Select Theme Settings --->Why Choose Us

On the forefront, it will appear as shown.

Creating Our Project.

Starting with the Our Project Section

Get started by going to Appearance an click on--->Customize --->Select Theme Settings --->Our Project

On the forefront, it will appear as shown.

Creating Newsletter Section

Starting with the Newsletter Section

You must first install So activate it Contact From 7 .Afterwards you enable the plugin, a Contact section It will occur on your dashboard.

Access the following menus: Dashboard--->And Select Contact---> Add New Contact Form and copy shortcode and paste inCustomizerr to display Contact Form.

Get started by going to Appearance an click on --->Customize --->Select Theme Settings--->Newsletter

This is actually how will it initially seem.

Creating Recent Blog Section

Starting with the Recent Blog Section,

Click Dashboard--->Post--->Add New.

Access the following menus: Appearance an click on--->Customizing---> Select Theme Settings---> Recent Blog.

This is actually how will it initially seem.

Creating Contact Section

To be able to begin with Contact Section,

You must first install So activate it Contact From 7 .Afterwards you enable the plugin, a Contact section It will occur on your dashboard.

Access the following menus: Dashboard--->Contact---> Add New Contact Form and copy shortcode and paste in customizer to display Contact Form.

Access the following menus: Appearance an click on--->Customizing---> Select Theme Settings---> Select Contact

This is actually how will it initially seem.

Creating Formats, The categories and Posts

Including a category

  1. Having access to the WordPress site (Dashboard) by logging in..
  2. On the Posts , click.
  3. After completing that, select Categories for Organic Posts.
  4. The title is your newly created category in the text box
  5. Afterwards so, press the Category button.
  6. Select Publish from the menu.

Establishing an Organic post

  1. Having access to the WordPress site (Dashboard) by logging in.
  2. you have to press Posts,.
  3. To add a new tab, click it.
  4. Enter the text for your post.

Creating Widgets