Installing a template is a very easy process. There are two ways that the installation process can be carried out.
Logging into your WordPress admin panel is the first step. then select
1. Select Appearance ---> Themes from the menu.
2. Once there, click the Add New button at the top of the themes page.
3. To upload a theme, click the button.
4. Select your omega-online-store-pro theme by clicking the Browse button, then click the Install Now button.
Congratulations! Your theme has been installed successfully.
The second installation option is to FTP-upload the theme. For the second option, first log into your website using FTP and navigate to the themes folder at wp-content. The theme you downloaded should be unzipped before being uploaded to your server.
After logging in, go to Appearance --->Themes and activate Total on your WordPress website.
Follow the procedures listed below to manually install a WordPress Plugin from archive: Upload plugin
activate the install button after clicking it.
Import sample content with a single click to set up your theme. You can follow the instructions in this article to build your website.
Select Dashboard --->Appearance Start now .
Then select Run Importer
1) To set a template, create a page--->Go to Pages in the Dashboard. New Page please.
Label your home page either as the home page or with the name of your parent site. Then select Reading from the options menu, and change the static template to home page.
2)Set the home page--->Visit Settings Reading. Set the home page as the post page display static page.
Once completed, the top page will display the entire demo.
How to Reorder and Arrange Section
Rearranging the sections according to our needs is known as section reordering. Select a piece first, then move it to the top or bottom as necessary. Your front view will alter according on your selection when you drape any piece.
Section Ordering will be the first thing we do.
Select Section Ordering under Appearance --->Theme Settings.
With respect to Site Identity,
Select Appearance---> Customize-->Site Identity.
With Topbar as the starting point,
Access the topbar option and topbar settings by going to Appearance---> Customize Theme Settings.
It will look like this in the Topbar Section.
Starting with the Header,
You must add pages from for the menu.
You must add pages from for the menu.
Access the menu under Appearance. add new
If you wish to add more pages, follow the same procedures again.
This will allow you to include the menu area..
Header Option and Header Settings can be found under Appearance --->Customize ---> Theme Settings.
You can include the Header section in this fashion.
Starting with the slider
Access the following menus: Appearance---> Customize Theme Settings ---> Option Slider Settings.
This is how it will initially seem.
Beginning with Collection Section
Get started by going to Appearance--->Customize --->Theme Settings --->Collection Option---> Collection Settings.
This is how it will initially seem.
Starting with About Section
Then select Customize--->Theme Settings--->About Option from the Appearance menu.
This is how it will initially seem.
Starting with the Best Seller Section
Choose Appearance Select Customize Decide on Theme Settings Section of Collection
On the front end, it will appear as shown.
Starting with the New Arrival Section
Go to Appearance--->Customize --->Theme Settings--->Offer Banner
Front-end visuals will resemble this.
Starting with the New Arrival Section
Go to Appearance--->Customize --->Theme Settings--->New Arrival
Front-end visuals will resemble this.
first, let me say this Section for Sign-Ups
Select Appearance ---> Theme settings can be accessed by tapping on Customize. Become a Member
On the front end, it will appear as shown.
Starting with the Trending Product Section,
The following Trending Product section must be configured.
Visit Dashboard and select Trending Product Insert New
To change the theme settings, go to Appearance --->Customize --->Best Seller
On the front end, it will appear as shown.
Installing the contact form 7 plugin is necessary before moving on to the Contact Us section. after the contact form 7 plugin installation. On the Dashboard, contact choices become apparent.
Click Dashboard---> Contact and Add New Page.
Access the following: Appearance>---> Customize Theme Settings>---> Contact
This is how it will initially seem.
The Instagram Feed plugin must first be installed and turned on.Your dashboard will feature an Instagram Feed area once you've enabled the plugin.
Choose Dashboard Click on the Instagram feed. Login
Access the following menus: Appearance--->Customizing---> Theme Settings---> Instagram Option
This is how it will initially seem.
Starting with the Footer Text section,
Navigate to Appearance--->Customize--->Themes Settings---> Footer Text.