Installing a template is a very easy process.Two methods occur that the installation process can be carried out..
Entering into your admin panel of wordpress is the first step, then
1. Select Appearance ---> Themes from the menu.
2.Click the Add New button at the top of the themes page afterwards you've arrived there.
3. To upload a theme, Pick the button.
4. Select your omega-food-delivery-pro theme through choice of the Browse button, thereafter select Install Now.
Well done! The installation of Your motif gives gone well.
The second installation option is to FTP-transcribe the theme. For the second option, first log into leveraging your own website FTP and navigate to the themes folder at wp-content. The theme you downloaded should be unzipped before being uploaded with to the server you use.
After logging in, Start the Appearance --->Themes and activate Total on your webpage on WordPress.
Using file for installing a plugin for WordPress directly, follow the steps indicated below: Upload plugin
activate the install button after Picking it.
Import sample content Using just one Pick to set up your theme. You can follow the instructions in this article to build your website.
Select Dashboard --->Appearance---> Start Theme Wizard Start now .
Then select Run Importer
1) To set a template, create a page--->Start the Pages in the Dashboard. New Page please.
Label your home page either as the home page or Regarding the name of your parent site. Then select Reading from the options menu, and change the static template to home page.
2)Set the home page--->Visit Settings Reading. Set the home page as It was pages provides static pages..
Once completed, the top page will display the entire demo.
With respect to Site Identity,
Select Appearance---> through the Customize-->Site Identity.
With Topbar as the starting point,
Access the Topbar option and Topbar settings by Start the Appearance---> "through the Customize"---> By the Theme Settings--->Topbar.
It It will show up as follows: in the Topbar Section.
Starting Regarding the Slider Banner Section
Access the following menus: Appearance---> through the Customize ---> By the Theme Settings ---> Slider Banner Settings.
It It will show up as follows:.
Beginning with About Section
Get started by Start the Appearance--->through the Customize --->By the Theme Settings ---> About .
It It will show up as follows:.
Starting Regarding the Product Section
They have to immediately install activate a Woocommerce Plugin.After you enable the plugin, a Product part will display on your dashboard.
Pick Dashboard tap on Products and Add New Product..
Now Choose Appearance Select through the Customize Decide on By the Theme Settings Product
within the outer area, it will appear as shown.
Starting Regarding the Highlight Section
Start the Appearance--->through the Customize --->By the Theme Settings--->Highlight
Front-end visuals will resemble this.
They have to immediately install activate a Woocommerce Plugin.After you enable the plugin, a Product part will display on your dashboard.
Pick Dashboard tap on Products and Add New Product..
To change the theme settings, Start the Appearance --->through the Customize --->By the Theme Settings--->Menu Items
within the outer area, it will appear as shown.
Starting Regarding the Visit Section,
To change the theme settings, Start the Appearance --->through the Customize --->By the Theme Settings--->Visit
within the outer area, it will appear as shown.
Starting Regarding the Testimonial Section
They have to immediately install activate a Omega Food Delivery Pro Posttype Plugins.After you enable the plugin, a Testimonial section willpops up through your dashboard.
Pick Dashboard tap on Testimonial and Add New Posts..
Start the through the Customize--->By the Theme Settings--->Testimonial from the Appearance menu.
It It will show up as follows:.
Starting Regarding the Chef Section
They have to immediately install activate a Omega Food Delivery Pro Posttype Plugins.After you enable the plugin, a Chef section willpops up through your dashboard.
Pick Dashboard tap on Chef and Add New Posts..
Start the Appearance--->through the Customize --->By the Theme Settings--->Chef
Front-end visuals will resemble this.
Starting During a Tasty And Crunchy Section,
To change the theme settings, Start the Appearance --->through the Customize --->By the Theme Settings--->Tasty And Crunchy
within the outer area, it will appear as shown.
To be able to begin with Latest News Section,
Pick Dashboard tap on Post and Add New Posts..
Access the following menus: Appearance--->Customizing---> By the Theme Settings---> Latest News.
It It will show up as follows:.
To be able to begin with Gallery Section,
Access the following menus: Appearance--->Customizing---> By the Theme Settings---> Gallery
It It will show up as follows:.
Starting having A Footer The text Area,
Navigate to Appearance---> through the Customize--->By the Theme Settings---> Footer Text.
Starting During a Contact Section,
They have to immediately install activate a Contact From 7 Plugins.After you enable the plugin, a contact section willpops up through your dashboard.
Pick Dashboard tap on Contact and Add New..
To change the theme settings, Start the Appearance --->through the Customize --->By the Theme Settings--->Contact
within the outer area, it will appear as shown.