Aerial Drone Theme Documentation

Create the Home Page.

1) To set a template, create a page--->Go to Pages in the Dashboard. New Page please.

Label your home page either as the home page or with the name of your parent site. Then select Reading from the options menu, and change the static template to home page.

On the home page, please select the template as the front page template.

2)Set the home page--->Visit Settings Reading. Set the home page as the post page display static page.

Once completed, the top page will display the entire demo.

Creating Site Identity Section

With emphasis on Site Identity,

Select Appearance---> Customize -->General Settings--> Site Identity.

Creating the Header Section

With Header as the starting point,

Access the Header option and Header settings by Start the Appearance---> Customize -->Theme Option--->Header Settings.

It will look like this in the Header Section.

Creating Slider Section

Starting with the Slider Section

Access the following menus: Dashboard--->Post--->Add New.

Access the following menus: Appearance---> Customize -->Frontpage Settings--> Slider Settings.

Such is exactly how it will initially seem.

Creating Showcase Section

Beginning with Showcase Section

Access the following menus: Dashboard---> Post--> Add New.

Get started by Start the Appearance--->Customize --> Frontpage Settings--->Showcase Settings.

Such is exactly how it will initially seem.